Photovoltaic modules, commonly known as solar panels, are a web that captures solar power to transform it into sustainable energy. A semiconductor material, usually silicon, is the basis of each individual solar cell.
A grid-connected photovoltaic power system has solar panels with one or more inverters, a power conditioning unit and grid connection equipment. Photovoltaic systems are used for roof-mounted or building-integrated solar panels to collect energy from the sun and convert it into electricity.
Sun Solar Power Systems, experts in off-grid solar electricity solution offer Off-grid solar systems. The well known UPS manufacturer sells Off Grid Solar panels for the homes with no access to grid electricity.
A solar water pump is an application of photovoltaic technology which converts solar energy into electricity to run the pumping system thereby, replacing erratic grid supply and pollution-causing diesel-powered versions. The solar water pump is powered by solar modules that helps draw surface or ground water out for irrigation.
Solar water heaters sometimes called solar domestic hot water systems can be a cost-effective way to generate hot water for your home. They can be used in any climate, and the fuel they use sunshine is free.
Sun Solar Power Systems has a wide range of energy-efficient LED Solar Street Lights and AC Street lights. All the models use LED drivers driven by the latest state of art technology promising high efficiency and PFC. Sun Solar Power Systems solar street lights are controlled by a microcontroller which enables automatic on/off and dimming of street lights based on the availability of natural light.
Street lights have excellent thermal management which results in longer life of LEDs. Our fixtures are uniquely designed to transfer the heat from LED to the atmosphere at a very fast rate which enables to keep the junction temperature at a minimum.
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